Michael resides and practices art in the heart of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, where the diversity of landform, contour, valley, peak, and plateau provide endless inspiration for his creative impulse. As part of his graduate school program in Landscape Architecture, he began exploring drawing, painting, and collage to convey and interpret design concepts. This led to further experimentation with mixed-media painting, assemblage, printmaking, and alternative process photography as vehicles for self expression.
Michael's experimental mission is to fuse ideas with materials and processes, creating an alchemical space where elements of architecture, cartography, landscape, cinema, symbol, surface, contour, and horizon line coexist harmoniously. His image-making ideas draw from a wide range of interests, including botany, technology, science fiction, camera obscura, cinema, typography, and printmaking. In his current work, he continues to explore the intersection between surface, form, and material through mixed-media abstraction, building surface and structure through applications of paint and material collage.
If you're looking to bring a touch of the Rocky Mountains into your home or office decor, consider purchasing Michael's prints. His unique blend of landscape inspiration, mixed-media techniques, and diverse interests come together to create captivating pieces that are sure to add beauty and intrigue to any space. Enjoy the work and bring a piece of Colorado's magnificence into your surroundings.