Buyers FAQs

  • Is the Geo Galleries logo going to show up on my print?
  • Do I have to pay online?
  • How much is shipping?
  • I need to place a large corporate order. Do you have special rates?
  • What if I can’t find the type of print I am looking for?
  • Do you have a money back guarantee?
  • Do you have a physical store or gallery?
  • When will my order ship?
  • Does Geo Galleries produce and ship the art?

Artists FAQs

  • Do I give up any rights to my images?
  • Will images be modified or color corrected?
  • Can I decide what products are available for purchase?
  • How will I get paid?
  • How much does the artist make?
  • Am I contacted when a print sells?
  • Can I set my own prices?
  • What happens when someone buys my print?
  • How do I direct customers to my gallery?
  • What is Virtual Inventory?
  • How do you protect my images from being copied by someone else?
  • Are there any fees involved to be a participating artist?
  • What are the requirements to have my images shown on Geo Galleries?
  • Can my buyers download my image from Geo Galleries?
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