Nancy Polo, a talented artist and dedicated teacher, resides in Berryville, VA. Despite her academic background in Art History, Nancy found herself drawn more to the studio than to the library or museum. Painting became her primary mode of self-expression, allowing her to delve deep into the world of colors and brushstrokes. With over two decades of experience, Nancy has mastered various mediums such as watercolors, acrylics, and oils. Her passion lies in creating portraits that capture the inner essence and character of her subjects.
Specializing in a unique style she refers to as social surrealism, Nancy’s artworks are intricate and thought-provoking, conveying complex ideas in a tangible form. Her diverse collection includes portraits, landscapes, and abstract paintings in acrylic and watercolor. These stunning pieces are available as fine art prints, perfect for adding a touch of beauty and sophistication to any decor. Whether you’re looking to enhance your home or office space, Nancy’s artwork is sure to make a statement.
You can explore Nancy’s captivating collections on Geo Galleries, where you’ll find a range of options including fine art paper prints, wood prints, and canvas prints. These high-quality reproductions are available both framed and unframed, allowing you to choose the perfect display option for your space. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring a piece of Nancy’s artistic vision into your life – purchase one of her prints today and transform your surroundings into a gallery of beauty and inspiration.