Josh Reed, also known as Jed Rhose, hails from Glendive, Montana, but currently resides in Dickinson, North Dakota with his wife, Austyn, and their adorable daughter, Raeleigh. Reed is a versatile artist who enjoys experimenting with a variety of mediums such as oil paint, watercolor, and ink. His portfolio includes stunning landscapes, abstract pieces, and unique renditions of NFTs.
Recently, Reed has delved into the metaverse, taking his real-life paintings and transforming them to suit the digital realm. By playing with colors and textures, he creates a whole new experience for viewers, offering a fresh perspective on his original works. The resulting digital versions of his paintings are vibrant and captivating, encouraging viewers to see beyond the initial design.
As Reed continues to evolve and adapt in real life, his artwork in the metaverse will reflect those changes. When he's not immersed in his art, Reed is dedicated to bringing joy to his family, always ready to make them laugh. A former track and field athlete for Dickinson State University, Reed's competitive spirit shines through in all aspects of his life, inspiring him to push boundaries and strive for excellence.
Experience the beauty and creativity of Josh Reed's artwork by purchasing prints for your home or office decor. Each piece is a unique reflection of his talent and vision, sure to add a touch of artistry to any space.