Samantha Griffitts

Almost Appalachian
Shelbyville, KY

Samantha Griffitts is a therapist, writer and artist. She writes about OCD, scrupulosity, and the intersection of theology, art, and psychology, at the blog Almost Appalachian. Located near Louisville, Kentucky, Samantha has family ties to heart of Appalachia. Some of Samantha's paintings reflect her ties to this region and the beauty and struggle therein. By creating art (in addition to working with other artists in a therapy context to combat anxiety and perfectionism), the hope is to add beauty to the world and to empower others to do the same. Although not always overt in nature, Samantha's art reflects her Anglican faith, portraying what is good, beautiful, and true. Her work is colorful and embraces imperfection, a testament to her work in the field of perfectionism and obsessive compulsive disorder. Her favorite artists are Maud Lewis, Grandma Moses, and Henri Matisse. She works primarily in soft-body acrylics, but also enjoys using gouache, watercolor, and mixed media techniques.

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