Robert L. O'neill

New York, NY

Robert enjoys abstract expressionism. He does his best to empty his mind prior to beginning any painting so he is able to express himself from a deep place, from his subconscious as well as his conscious mind where he explores his feelings and intuitive impulses, which include but are not limited to: his joy, sadness, pain, excitement, anger, fear, frustration and anything else that comes up in the moment. Robert enjoys expressing movement and expansion, working to find a balance between vibrant colors, shapes and lines and contrasting them with black shapes and lines. This is part of the process of allowing his subconscious to express itself freely. At times he enjoys adding quirky animals and oddball characters for no other reason but for the fun of it. It usually is only after the painting is completed that he intuits it's title. Frequently he will see something new that he was expressing that he wasn’t fully conscious of at the time of its creation.

He has been a student with Stewart Cubley in his Painting Experience Workshops since 2006. where he more fully explored spontaneous free expression. While in one of the workshops in 2017 he painted a flying purple baby elephant with a mama elephant on her smartphone. This led to his writing and illustrating his first children's book, “Sammy ~ The Flying Purple Baby Elephant” (Remembering the Old Ways of the Elephant) This is a spoof on the epidemic of excessive smartphone use; a story of a baby elephant that wants his Mommy and Daddy get off their smartphones and play with him. Robert has some of the images available for print here.

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