Lynn Weishaar

Athol, ID

A graceful woman with wavy earthy hair and hazel eyes, dressed in Thai fisherman pants and a floppy hat, approaches you with a smile. Her hands are covered in soil, indicative of her love for gardening. As she walks through a lush green garden, filled with life and vegetation, she stumbles but quickly picks herself up with a giggle.

Introducing herself as Lynn Weishaar, she shares her background of growing up in the Pacific Northwest before moving to Northern Idaho with her family. Lynn finds inspiration in both locations, each holding a special place in her heart. She expresses her love for God, family, cats, nature, gardening, reading, writing, and art, always seeking joy in life.

Despite her modest nature, Lynn admits her discomfort in writing about herself, finding it difficult to avoid feeling boastful. However, she overcomes her fears to share her story with you, hoping for your support through likes, shares, and comments. If you appreciate her work, consider purchasing her prints for your home or office decor to support her passion for photography.

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