Laszlo Regos

Laszlo Regos Photography
Farmington Hills, MI

Growing up in Budapest, the artist was captivated by the magic of photography that his father created in their small apartment. Watching his father mix chemicals and develop films sparked a passion within him to become a photographer himself. He pursued this dream by studying chemistry at the Technical University of Budapest and earning his M.S. in photochemistry. This led him to work as a technical manager at Forte Photochemical Industries, one of the largest photo-manufacturing companies in Europe.

In 1979, seeking political and artistic freedom, the artist defected to the US where he eventually opened his own studio specializing in architectural photography. Despite the transition from film to digital photography, he still holds onto the disciplines he learned in his early days. Over the past 30 years, he has become known for his expertise in retail photography and has had his work featured in numerous publications and exhibitions in the US and Europe.

The artist's portfolio includes photographs of iconic landmarks such as the Budapest Opera House and the Dohany Street Synagogue, the largest in Europe. His work can be found adorning the walls of many private homes and offices, bringing a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. For those looking to enhance their decor with stunning architectural photography, the artist's prints are available for purchase. Experience his unique perspective and talent by incorporating his photos into your home or office decor.

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