An artistic child at heart, this talented individual put down their brush for a time to focus on motherhood and a corporate career. However, now that retirement has arrived, they have returned to their early passion with a newfound vigor. Working primarily in acrylics, they are drawn to color, texture, and faces, with a particular affinity for bold, vibrant, and unexpected hues. Their artwork often features faces and figures, as they are fascinated by people and enjoy developing relationships with the individuals in their paintings, even if they've never met them. Additionally, nature plays a significant role in their work, with bumblebees, horses, and various creatures making appearances.
Never knowing what will inspire them next, this artist constantly has a multitude of ideas swirling around in their mind, each one eager to be brought to life on canvas. Whether a painting comes to fruition easily or presents challenges, the act of creation brings immense joy and fulfillment. The process of giving life to their visions brings them undeniable happiness, solidifying their love for painting. If you're looking to add a touch of color and life to your home or office decor, consider purchasing prints of this artist's work. Their unique style and imaginative pieces are sure to make a statement in any space.