Erika Tirado

Erika Tirado
San Antonio, TX

She has a deep love for color, flowers, and the feminine form, which she explores through her artwork. Delving into the layers of sensual energy, her work reflects a mix of emotions and eroticism. Her journey with the feminine form began with self-portraiture in her early 20s, leading to a process of healing and self-love. She sees the human body as a powerful vessel for expression, capturing authenticity and vulnerability in its nakedness, forcing viewers to confront their own emotions.

Travel plays a crucial role in her artistic development, as she has traveled to various countries and states, connecting with other creatives and engaging in collaborative projects. From India to England, Mexico to different parts of the US, she has immersed herself in different cultures and art scenes. One memorable experience was painting a flower mural in Taos, New Mexico, and participating in a live painting session for an art show. She has also held solo shows in San Antonio, TX, including one at the Blue Star Arts Complex.

Her collection of artworks focuses on capturing sensuality through vibrant colors and the feminine form. By inviting viewers to connect with their passion and feminine energy, she hopes to inspire them to embrace their sensual emotions and appreciate vulnerability. Whether it's for home or office decor, purchasing a print of her work can bring a touch of femininity and sensuality to any space.

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