Call and Response

Landscapes By Nancy E. Polo

Print based on original watercolor and gouache by Nancy Polo. Walking has been my therapy for quarantine. It's an exercise in perception, as much as a form of physical exertion. Trees have become my constant companions. I seek out their shadows as I would an old friend, looking for subtle shifts in size, shape and color. These reveal more to me than any weather report. The deep blue of winter shadows call to me and my heart leaps in response. Returning home I remind myself that I can't actually photosynthesize. #watercolor #bluesky #bigsky #bigtrees #snow #blueshadows #sycamores #walnuts #brickhouse

Purchasing Options

Giclee - Paper Prints
12 x 9" Premium Giclee - Regular
1/2" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Paper Prints
16 x 12" Premium Giclee - Regular
1/2" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
20 x 15" Artisan Archival Canvas
Stretched Mounted - Image on Front - 1.5" Deep
Professional Taped Backing & Wire Hanger
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