Star Spangled Blood Lines

Landscapes By Nancy E. Polo

Print based on original watercolor on paper, 2020, by Nancy Polo. This painting is my fantasy of hope, a vision of America as a deeply rooted tree that grows in healthy soil. Healthy ecosystems depend on fire to get rid of dead limbs and other debris. It's time to make a new normal where All Americans enjoy equal freedoms and opportunities. May this new normal emerge like this painting and take root in all of our hearts and minds. #blacklivesmatter #process #progress #newnormal #artforchange #lifecycle #americathebeautiful #whereareyou

Purchasing Options

Giclee - Paper Prints
9 x 13" Premium Giclee - Regular
1/2" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Paper Prints
12 x 18" Premium Giclee - Regular
1/2" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
13 x 19" Artisan Archival Canvas
Stretched Mounted - Image on Front - 1.5" Deep
Professional Taped Backing & Wire Hanger
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