At Evening Tide

Figurative By Robert Pitts

“At evening tide she climbed up into a little tree, and purposed spending the night there, for fear of the wild beasts." An original oil painting based on the watercolor illustration by Warwick Goble.

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Giclee - Paper Prints
8 x 10" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Paper Prints
8 x 10" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Paper Prints
11 x 14" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Paper Prints
11 x 14" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Paper Prints
16 x 20" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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