17 A. The Remains

Donald Hazen Brown Archive By Don Brown

1981 - POCONOS, PA. Nothing is ever totally lost. Something remains. This seems to be a principle of the universe. What may appear to be lost, is, physicists tell us, merely transformed from one state of appearance to another. In one form or another, all is conserved and transitioned to another state of being. When I came upon the remains of this house on a lonely road in the Pocono Mountains, I intuitively felt that the remnants of this house were in transition---from a once apparently stately home, to a random pile of stones in a deserted field. I pulled my car to the side of the road, walked up the hill through the field toward the house and photographed the crumbling walls and chimney. As I painted this picture, I wondered who had lived in this house, what kind of people they were, and where they had gone. Only the walls and chimney now remained. A sad ending of a once stately abode? Perhaps. But hopefully thq' mhamtants are now comfortably secured in a new home, and the crumbling stones have found a new usefulness again, if nothing more than a shelter under which an inquisitive chipmunk will gratefully find a dwelling. Is anything ever wasted in God's good creation?

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