9. Cape May House

Donald Hazen Brown Archive By Don Brown

2005 - CAPE MAY, NJ. I had come down to Cape May with the intention of doing a painting of the big Victorian mansion on the Physick Estate. As I was setting myself up to begin drawing, I glanced at the cottage across the street and was immediately taken by the house, the picket fence and the magnificent tree in front of this Cape May home. Turning my back on the mansion, I went to work on this picture. The colorful house with its turquoise shutters, dark green trim and its pale yellow siding made a charming combination. The picket fence was an attractive addition. The tree in the foreground complimented the graceful and delightful lines of the house. I never did paint the Victorian mansion of the estate. Sometimes it is best to follow your impulses and put your planned agenda aside. It fills your life with unexpected joys, as this painting did for me.

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