Looking for a place to stop and have some lunch, I parked my car in under the shade of a tree. Looking out of my windshield I was attracted immediately by the bark on the trunk of this sycamore tree in front of me. Before leaving, I photographed, up close, a small section of the trunk, focusing on a portion of the bark that was peeling off the tree. Nature had provided this interesting design of shapes and colors, which I attempted to directly reproduce in this painting. Even in the micro world of nature beauty awaits those who will take the time to stop and look.

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Giclee - Fine Art Paper Prints
8 x 10" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
8 x 10" Artisan Archival Canvas
Streteched Mounted - Image Wraps - 1.5" Deep
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