It was merely the latest stumble and still the fall that Spring had seemed among all the green and growing things a final defeat. He collapsed, bleeding not so much from some physical wound as seeping the rage he had pretended not to know, the sorrow he had refused to acknowledge, the truth that he could not yet see was a treasure held within this heart that felt so broken. This acrylic painting is from the Spirited Life and Blue Ridge Blessings collections of paintings that explore variations on the theme of life and dreams of a new world from Virginia artist Dawn Richerson. Connect to your essential story of life and all that is alive in you.

Purchasing Options

Giclee - Fine Art Paper Prints
8 x 10" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Fine Art Paper Prints
11 x 14" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
8 x 10" Artisan Archival Canvas
Streteched Mounted - Image Wraps - 1.5" Deep
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
11 x 14" Artisan Archival Canvas
Streteched Mounted - Image Wraps - 1.5" Deep
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