From darkness, the messenger emerges with a fury, swept up by an uncertain urgency to speak. From her cry emerges a wind of change, a rapid transformation born of love. Just in the nick of time, she swoops to meet that which has nearly consumed her and is met by strange and mythical creatures and the formless void, which has become a comfort. This painting was inspired by the insistent cry of a crow from deep in dark woods at midnight on a moonless night near the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. In her awakening, she found her way, uneasily at first and after some indecipherable squawking, back to her full voice. And this is when the magic unfolded and the promise of love flowed out and the Word became flesh in the inky night.

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Giclee - Fine Art Paper Prints
10 x 8" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Fine Art Paper Prints
14 x 11" Archival Matte Paper
1" Extra Border Added
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
10 x 8" Artisan Archival Canvas
Streteched Mounted - Image Wraps - 1.5" Deep
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Giclee - Canvas Prints
14 x 11" Artisan Archival Canvas
Streteched Mounted - Image Wraps - 1.5" Deep
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