"Apuchitu and the Shadow of the Black Jaguar"

Indigenous Americas By Brian Wilkes

An Apuchitu is a mound of stones placed in either in the shape of an anthropomorphic portal, as seen here, or a pyramidal shape aligned with the cardinal directions as an offering made by the indigenous peoples of the Andes to the Pachamama (Earth Mother), the Apus (gods of the mountains) or local deities of the place. Built on the slopes of difficult roads and maintained by travelers, it is at these points where pilgrims ask for and thank the deities. If the Apuchitu has a portal, some will gaze through in expectation of seeing the spirits. My journeys to Peru to work with indigenous Elders introduced me to the tradition and to the Apu Huascaran and to the Apu Kuntur of the Jananpacha. A cloud shadow on the distant mountain at left resembles a leaping Black Jaguar, which is the Shuar name for one of my Medicine teachers.

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