Ageyv is the Cherokee word for a woman Elder, Anigeyv is plural. These two women were the bison custodian and land custodian in our efforts to revive an indigenous community in West Kentucky in the early 2000s. Their names translate to “Butterfly” and “Star”. They were walking path back to the community center after a ceremony in the field. Coincidentally, they were both wearing blue, the color of the Land to the North where the Elders reside after physical death. That’s the way I’ll remember them, walking the Path together.

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Giclee - Paper Prints
10 x 7" Archival Matte Paper
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Giclee - Paper Prints
14 x 9" Archival Matte Paper
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Giclee - Paper Prints
20 x 13" Archival Matte Paper
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